The Home Visiting Coordination Initiative (HVCI)
The HVCI began with a legislative award and is housed at Prevent Child Abuse New York. In 2019, funding from the Preschool Development Birth through Five (PDGB5) grant and Raising NY expanded the HVCI to regional work. The initiative is a 4-year project with a broader intent to coordinate services locally, increase enrollment, and improve outcomes for children and families.
The HVCI "Year by Year"
2018 HVCI website launched HVCI webinar series launched
2020 - 2020 HVCI report is published. - HVCI staff work "one on one" with each Backbone and ask that they select a regional and statewide priority to forward in home visiting: coordiated intake, workforce development, public relations. - First Statewide Summit is held. Instead of BackBones coordinating regional meetings, the HVCI hosted a virtual Statewide convening. - Speakers included the Start Early National Home Visiting Organization (formerly the Ounce of Prevention) and the Keynote was Oregon State Senator Elizabeth Steiner Hayward. Senator Steiner Hayward discussed Oregon's path to passing legislation and implementing universally-offered home visiting.
2019 - 10 Backbone Organizations (BBOs) in the Regional Economic Development Council (REDC) regions hosted a minimum of 2 Summits with parents and professionals to discuss home visiting in their region. - 25 Summits held statewide highlighted successes and barriers unique to each region. - 10 regional development plans were written
2021 - Backbones continue convening regional meetings to forward the priority areas selected in 2020. - HVCI releases Mid-Year Project Update. - Backbones request more intensive TA and materials from the HVCI. - Staff begin designing Public Relations materials to explain what home visiting is (and is not) and to educate about the benefits of home visiting. - Second annual virtual HVCI Statewide Summit is held. - Keynote spekaer is Dr. Lynn Davey, who delivered an intensive workshop for BBOs and regional teams about how to message PR materials to fit the different priorities in their respective regions.
2022 - PR materials finalized, "soft launch" of 3 posters: - Benefits of home visiting - "What is Home Visiting" for the General Public - Information about home visiting for Healthcare Providers - Posters translated into Spanish, Haitian Creole, and Mandarin Chinese - The HVCI hired a consultant to meet with BBOs and provide technical assistance - The HVCI released a toolkit with posters, a palm card, and messaginng guidance for the materials. - Final Statewide Summit held...in person! - The Summit was a 2-day event. An evening reception gave BBOs the oppoortunity to network with each other, state agency representatives, and home visiting programs. - The full-day Summit featured 6 speakers for a "rotating panel" discussion. Speakers were previously featured on the HVCI webinar series.